Introducing the School Careers Assistants for the academic year 2022-2023
Christina Miltiadou – Form 7
Hey there! My name is Christina. I am a 7th former and I have been set on my professional dream from a very young age. While I am sure that I know the career I want to follow, I found myself often doubting my decision and questioning whether I’ve made the right choices or whether I am cut out for the job I have chosen. Given that we are all so young, it is only natural that there is difficulty when making such life-defining decisions like what kind of a job we would like to have for the rest of our lives! If there is one thing I have learnt through my personal experience, is that we all change drastically through the years. We grow and transform into totally different people with different beliefs, opinions, and passions than what we have now. And it is only natural that we may begin to doubt ourselves and all our decisions, including our career choices. And while all of that may sound scary, the most important thing to remember is that we have a lot of options and that we are not alone in it, despite what might appear. From the person right next to you, who may be certain about what they want to follow since a very young age to the person preparing university applications and still feeling uncertain about what they want to follow; we all go through it. Seek advice, voice your concerns, and validate your fears as there are several people fully equipped to help and guide you. Though only a young student myself, I am here and very happy to help you, to listen to your concerns and experiences and offer assistance to you in whichever way possible, through the guidance of the Careers Department of our school; any day, anytime.
Stella Piperidou – Form 7
Hello everyone! I’m Stella, one of the Careers Assistants for this school year. I am interested in a lot of different things such as art, planning events, dance, photography, and I’m heavily involved in EYP (European Youth Parliament) and much more. Although this could be considered a good thing – having multiple interests – it really troubled me in choosing what I want to follow in the future. Unfortunately, it is required from us from a really young age to ‘plan’ our future, by choosing subjects from the 3rd form. All these decisions were really hard for me because I was not certain on what I wanted to do, something that most of my classmates faced and probably you will too. This should not worry you though, because we are all going through the same process, so the least we can do is help each other by listening to the experiences of the older students. Being a careers assistant, allows me to interact with you and help guide you, from a student’s perspective into making the right choices for you by sharing my experiences. Do not hesitate to contact me for general school advice, as well as any concerns or dilemmas when it comes to forming your future:)