On Wednesday, 10 January 2024, the school had the pleasure of hosting Senior Program Director at Harvard, Dr. Pavlos Protopapas, for a general-knowledge presentation on Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Protopapas is one of the leading scientists in the world in the field of AI, and a director of major projects at Harvard University wherein this cutting-edge technology is essential. A key aim of Dr. Protopapas’ visit was to familiarize our body of students and teachers with this technology, and to provide some insights on how AI will be incorporated into our daily experience over the next years/decades. Due to its disruptive effect in multiple global markets, familiarity with AI is important to advise career selections and strategies, so students of Forms 5, 6 and 7 were invited to the presentation and given the opportunity to ask questions afterwards. Another key aim of Dr. Protopapas’ visit was for the school to establish a collaboration with his team, in their aim to bring AI to the high-school learning experience. For this purpose, Dr. Protopapas and his team have developed specialized “bedrock” programs to teach high-school students. Following his visit, our school is proud to announce that we will be among an elite group of a secondary-education institutions with guaranteed positions for its students in Dr. Protopapas’ programs.