Launching its 50th Anniversary celebrations, the G C School of Careers had the honour to welcome Professor Georgios Babiniotis, Linguist and former rector of Athens University, who had been invited to chair the 1st Annual Spelling Competition organised on Saturday, 21 January by the GCS Elementary in collaboration with the Photos Photiades Foundation.
On Friday, 20 January, Professor Babiniotis visited our Secondary School during school hours and met with students and staff. In the evening, he gave a lecture about the Greek alphabet, its origins and how it has evolved through the ages.
On Saturday, 21 January, the GCS Elementary organised its 1st Annual Spelling Competition, a contest aiming at promoting literacy among school children. The competition was held at the University of Nicosia with the participation of 32 elementary schools from the Nicosia district. The judges were Professor Babiniotis and Dr Emilios Solomou, Historian and Director of the UNESCO Chair of the University of Nicosia.