In its effort to challenge students with a scientific drive, as well as to allow them the freedom to be creative, this academic year’s Science Club featured projects inspired by the student members themselves. The 13 students who participated in this effort researched and constructed a set of 6 projects that showcased innovative applications of one or more of the Natural Sciences. The Science Club culminated on Tuesday, 27 January 2023, via an in-house competition between the presentations of the 6 projects, which would be used to determine 3 projects to receive partial school funding for the Euroscience competition, taking place in Krakow in March. The competition was attended by the students’ parents and the school administration, who had a chance to see first-hand just how advanced and thorough the research and work dedicated to the projects were. In the end, the science teachers were obligated to select 3 projects to receive the school funding, but given the level of the effort, all staff felt that all 13 students and all 6 projects could represent their school admirably in this or any other competition. Therefore, all 6 science teams will represent the school in this prestigious international competition!