Throughout the year, a great number of school events are organised by the School Events Committee as well as the GCS Clubs and various Departments. These, among others, include lectures, presentations, fairs, seminars and expeditions, and they aim at engaging students in learning outside the classroom.
Annual School Events
- The GCS Barbecue: a fundraising barbecue night organised early in the year by the students of Form 7 and the Parents Association.
- The GCS Christmas Bazaar: a fundraising activity which involves the sale of various products at stalls managed by each Form.
- The DIY Christmas Show: a festive variety show staged by the students of Form 7 before Christmas break.
- Starry Night: the School talent show organised by the students of Form 7 in Term 2.
- Fancy Dress Day/Tsiknopempti: an all-day, fun filled event organised by the students of Form 6.
- GCS & Founder’s Day: a day of games and competitions organised in honour of the Founder of the School.
- Play Production: a play in Greek or English staged alternately by the members of the English Drama Club and the members of the Greek Drama Club.
- End-of-Year Events: End-of-Year Assembly and Award Ceremony for Forms 1-6 and Graduation Ceremony for Form 7.
School Celebrations
- Independence Day Anniversary Commemoration
- 28th October Anniversary Celebration
- Christmas Celebration
- 25th March Anniversary Celebration
- E.O.K.A. Uprising Anniversary Celebration