The Unifrog platform can offer students:
- Every undergraduate university course option available in the UK
- English taught undergraduate programmes available in Europe, the USA, Asia, Canada, Australasia and the Middle East
- The tools to compare universities and degree options
- The ability to make tailored searches according to personal interests and subject choices
- A long list of Open Online Courses
- Detailed information on every college at Oxford and Cambridge
- Personality Profile and Interests Profile quizzes
- Guidance videos, to include topics such as the Personal Statement, University Interviews, Oxbridge Applications and CV writing.
- A Locker feature which offers students the option to save items they may use later on in their university applications, like essays, videos and certificates.
- Information on Undergraduate and Summer Scholarship opportunities in the USA, UK, Canada and Europe
Additionally, the platform allows the school Careers Counsellors to monitor the student searches and give live feedback and tailored guidance, as we track their progress on the platform.
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